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Frequently Asked Questions - Sunway Global
What are the requirements for Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) Accreditation?

The requirements for DMW accreditation are:

  1. Certificate of Incorporation
  2. Signed Individual Employment Contract Template
  3. Signed Recruitment Agreement
  4. Signed Manpower Requisition Form
  5. Job Description
  6. Company Letter Head
How long does DMW accreditation take?

DMW accreditation takes 6-8 weeks, provided all requirements are complete, and DMW has no additional questions.

What do we need to provide if we want to ask Sunway to recruit for a certain role?

The client shall provide Sunway with a signed Manpower Requisition Form and detailed job description.

How long will the full recruitment cycle?

Recruitment (Job posting and candidate screening) - 2-3 weeks
Visa application - 20 working days (provided no issues found in medical or other documents)
PDOS - 1 week after the release of visa to secure schedule
OEC Releasing - 1-2 weeks after PDOS

How long does visa approval take?

Depending on the country of destination the visa approval process is 1-2 months.

How long is the exit clearance process?

Exit clearance process:
PDOS - 1 week to get scheduled
OEC - released within 1-2 weeks after PDOS

When can we book the flight of the candidates?

The best time to book a flight is upon the release of the candidate's OEC.
For planning purposes, the client may look at possible flights scheduled 4-6 weeks from the release of the visa.

Do we submit an MRF every time we need a manpower?

Yes, MRF shall be issued for new positions. This will be submitted to DMW for approval.

Can we book our own flights, can we send the flight details directly to the employees?

Please provide Sunway with a copy of flight details at least five days before departure. This will ensure that we can conduct the final briefing and check of candidates' documents. Sunway will be the one to cascade flight instructions and details to the migrant workers.

To whom do I coordinate if I have questions on accreditation and candidate status?

An account manager will be assigned to handle your project. He/she will provide you with a weekly report that includes the overall status of your project. You may email the account manager at any time if you have any questions.

As an employer do I need to be accredited with our local immigration office

You must be an accredited employer in each country; Sunway can assist you.

Is there a minimum number of workers I can employ?

There is no minimum number; we recommend at least 2.

We need to employ over 100 skilled workers, can you do handle these numbers?

Yes, we can recruit hundreds of skilled workers at any one time across multiple different industries.

Does Sunway have trade testing centre?

Yes, Sunway utilises multiple trade testing partners across the Philippines and organises trade testing on your behalf.

Can we use Sunway Offices for interviewing?

Yes, Sunway has offices in Manila with multiple interview rooms and can conduct large briefings at any one time.

Does the Australian government require every applicant for a work visa to go through a skill assessment?

Some occupations are required to undergo trade skill assessments. Trades Recognition Australia (TRA) involves registered training organisations (RTOs) to conduct the assessments. Sunway assists the employer and candidate throughout this process.

Can I apply for a work visa without taking the IELTS?

Yes, if you have studied English for five years (4 years in high school and one year in college) and have your Transcript of Record.

How long does it take for me to obtain an IELTS certificate?

It may take between 15–45 days. We suggest that you take a review for 3–4 weeks prior to taking your IELTS exam. Sunway will help you with this process. The result will be provided 14 days after the examination.

Will I be required to submit a pay summary or pay evidence for visa application?

If an occupation does not require a trade skill assessment, you will need to provide the latest two years of one item on the following: payslips, bank statements, or tax evidence.

I am an employer looking to bring in foreign workers, do I need to be accredited with Australian Immigration?

Yes, we highly recommend that you engage an Immigration Consultant to help you through this process. Sunway has an extensive network of Australian Immigration Consultants that we can introduce to you.

As an employer can we engage interviewing applicants while we are completing our immigration process?

Yes, we recommend pre-selecting, interviewing and have pending job offers for suitable candidates in place ready for visa processing.

Which work visa is suitable for our applicants?

There are a number of work visas available. We highly recommend engaging an immigration consultant to advise you of the best fit. Sunway has an extensive network of Australian Immigration Consultants that we can introduce to you.