
Embracing Change: Joy’s Journey into Marketing and Xero

Joy, one of Sunway’s dedicated recruiters, has spent the past few years immersing herself in the world of recruitment. She always loved matching people with the right roles and helping businesses grow by building strong, capable teams. However, a recent opportunity from Sunway led her in a completely different direction— one she never anticipated getting involved in.

An Opportunity She Didn’t See Coming

When Sunway first presented Joy with the chance to explore marketing and Xero, she was understandably unsure. These were areas that had never really caught her interest before. Marketing, with all its buzzwords and fast-paced trends, seemed overwhelming and different from the people-centered work she was used to in recruitment. As for Xero, the idea of diving into accounting software was something she hadn’t even considered. Her initial reaction was, “Is this really for me?”

Despite her initial doubts, Joy knew that opportunities like this were rare. She accepted the challenge, even if it meant stepping out of her comfort zone.

Diving into Marketing

As Joy began her journey into marketing, she found herself navigating a completely different landscape. Instead of focusing on individual candidates and roles, she was now learning how entire brands communicate their value to the world. In the beginning, the learning process was challenging. Concepts like content strategy and digital campaigns were all new to her. She spent a lot of time reading, experimenting, and yes, making mistakes.

But as she delved deeper into the field, something changed. Joy started to see the beauty in marketing— It wasn’t just about selling products or services; it was about telling a story that people connect with. And that, she realized, wasn’t so different from what she loved about recruitment—connecting people with something that fits them perfectly.

Learning Xero

Simultaneously, Joy was also tasked with learning Xero, a cloud-based accounting software that was completely foreign to her. Financial management had always seemed like something best left to accountants, but as she began to explore Xero, she realized how essential these skills are, even for someone in her line of work.

At first, it felt like learning a new language—debits, credits, invoicing, reconciliation—all terms outside her usual vocabulary. But as she spent more time with the software, Joy started to appreciate its power and efficiency. Xero wasn’t just about crunching numbers; it was about gaining insights into how a business operates, how decisions are made, and how to keep everything running smoothly. She began to see how understanding the financial side could make her a more well-rounded professional, giving her insights that would be valuable in any role, not just recruitment.

Finding Joy in the Unexpected

What began as an unfamiliar assignment has become a surprising interest for Joy. She still loves recruitment and will always be a core part of who she is as a professional. But now, she also has a growing passion for marketing and financial management. Sunway’s opportunity pushed her to explore new areas, and in doing so, she discovered new strengths and interests she didn’t know she had.

She is excited to continue this journey with Sunway, exploring these new skills and seeing where they might take her. She’s still in the early stages but eager to keep learning, growing, and finding ways to integrate these new interests into her professional life.

Joy has learned that sometimes the best opportunities are the ones you don’t expect. They’re the ones that push you out of your comfort zone and make you see the world—and yourself—in a new way. If there’s one thing she has taken from this experience, it’s that growth often comes from embracing the unexpected.